Adapting to Climate Change: An Introduction for Canadian Municipalities: Case Studies Section (2010)
Adapting to Climate Change: An Introduction for Canadian Municipalities is a compendium of eleven case studies developed by Natural Resources Canada to provide municipal decision-makers and staff with examples of climate change adaptation actions, focusing on how to develop and implement strong adaptation measures. Each case study outlines the climate change impacts on the selected community, the plan-making process, measures adopted, next steps and lessons learned. The case studies included in the report are:
- Clyde River’s Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan
- City of Kamloops’ Wildfire Protection Plan
- Metro Vancouver’s Stormwater Management Plan
- Edmonton’s Urban Forest Management Plan
- Regina’s Water Conservation Program
- London Ontario’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
- Toronto’s Heat Health Alert System
- Quebec City’s Environmental Services Adaptation Plan
- Le Goulet’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan
- Planning for Sea-level Rise in Halifax Harbour
- Preparing for Storm Surges in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia