Beaches, Coasts and Waterfronts

Carling, Ontario: Mapping Water Levels

The Township of Carling is working with several government and non-government organizations to map shoreline water levels. The township will be able to use this data to run scenarios to predict the impact of climate change and changing water levels on its residents and businesses. In addition, the Township is modifying its Georgian Bay access point infrastructure to be able to fluctuate with changing water levels.

Ajax, Ontario: Rain Gardens

The City of Ajax designed and installed three Rain Gardens near Lake Ontario to improve surface water runoff infiltration. The City also implemented two “bio-swales” that will also improve surface water infiltration but are specifically designed to improve beach quality and swimmability.

Township of the Archipelago, Ontario: Adapting to Changing Water Levels

The Township of the Archipelago has addressed Climate Change Adaptation through capital improvement measures related to changing water levels, such as modifications to docks, wharfs, channels, and access points.

Milwaukee’s Comprehensive Sustainability and Water Plan

“The City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s…”ReFresh Milwaukee” program covers eight issue areas (buildings, energy, food system, human capital, land & urban ecosystems, mobility, resource recovery and water) and identifies two catalytic projects where adaptation and resiliency are at the core of the projects (“Inner Harbor 2020” economic and ecological redevelopment of Milwaukee’s inner harbor and the Milwaukee estuary; and HOME GR/OWN which increases access and demand for local healthy food). Across the eight issue areas there 25 goals and 53 targets for the City and its partners to achieve in the next 10 years.”

Case Book: The Harms Caused by Low Water Levels in Georgian Bay

The Case Book puts a face on the harm as seen in almost every community around the Bay. While these reports are not a complete picture, they provide evidence of the impact and insight into solutions that will help alleviate the problems facing communities. These reports are intended to shape public debate and assist the mayors of Georgian Bay in successfully obtaining assistance in the near term from both Federal and Provincial levels of government.

Preparing for Variable Lake Levels: The Dynamic Great Lakes

With more than 3,000 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, lake levels have a huge impact on Michigan’s coastal communities and economies. Lake levels affect coastal properties and infrastructure, as well as plant and wildlife habitat. They also affect shipping, recreation and manufacturing.

City of Rochester Local Waterfront Revitalization Program

The New York State Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a planning framework that offers to coastal communities the possibility to study their shoreline areas, establish policies to guide development, and implement appropriate waterfront land uses and projects. The City of Rochester has adopted its LWRP in 1990 and is still implementing and improving it. The file attached is the Executive Summary of the plan. To access all the documents related to it, please visit the City's website.

Ontario’s Great Lakes Strategy

The Ontario Great Lake's Strategy focuses on empowering action by all partners on Great Lakes – from provincial ministries to local service clubs – and on restoring Great Lakes water, beaches and coastal areas. It aims to conserve biodiversity and deal with invasive species. The Strategy supports science to guide our Great Lakes work and addresses the need for climate change adaptation.

Achieving Hazard-Resilient Coastal & Waterfront Smart Growth

This report presents an overview of ideas shared by smart growth and hazard mitigation experts at an August 2011 roundtable. The roundtable participants focused on how coastal and waterfront communities can create environmentally and economically sustainable neighborhoods while minimizing risks from coastal flooding. The report provides ideas for further research, tools, services, and approaches that federal and state agencies, academics, organizations, and practitioners could consider to improve integration of smart growth and hazard mitigation approaches along the coast.

Wasaga Beach: Great Beaches Success Stories

Wasaga Beach, in the Town of Wasaga Beach, Ontario, is one of the province's most popular beaches. The Beach is Blue Flag certified, and also has historical significance from the War of 1812. Read more about Wasaga Beach's best practices in this document.