Cities Initiative Urges Congressional Appropriators to Fund GLRI

In a recent letter to Senate and House Appropriations Committees, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative expressed support for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and requested the appropriation of $300 million for the program in the Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations.

“Annual investment through GLRI aids in the recovery of the Great Lakes after decades of industrial pollution and safeguards these precious water resources from invasive species and harmful algal blooms,” said the letter. “The magnitude of the proposed cuts would have serious implications for the economy and restoration efforts of the Great Lakes region.”

The letter also reiterates the shared responsibility for Great Lakes restoration and protection among all orders of government and highlights the $15 billion in annual spending by local governments to fund Great Lakes efforts.

Read the full letters below:
Cities Initiative Letter to Senate Appropriators
Cities Initiative Letter to House Appropriators