New group working with farmers, municipalities to reduce phosphorus in the Thames
The Thames River Phosphorus Reduction Collaborative is developing innovative tools, practices and technologies to help farmers and municipalities reduce phosphorus and algal blooms in the southwestern Ontario watershed which feeds into Lake Erie. The project was officially launched at a press conference today. “We’re determined to improve the quality of… Read More about “New group working with farmers, municipalities to reduce phosphorus in the Thames”
Funding Supports Work to Reduce Phosphorus Loss to Waterways
Efforts to reduce phosphorus loss into Ontario waterways and the Great Lakes will progress thanks to the funding announcement of $203,000 from Growing Forward 2, a Canada-Ontario agricultural funding program administered through the Agricultural Adaptation Council. These funds will be matched with $100,000 from participating organizations, including the Ontario Federation… Read More about “Funding Supports Work to Reduce Phosphorus Loss to Waterways”
Cities Initiative Exec. Director talks Urban-Rural Partnerships
Cities Initiative Executive Director David Ullrich spoke at the Michigan Water Symposium on January 14, 2016. In his interview with Kirk Heinze of MLive, Ullrich discussed his experiences at the Paris Climate Summit for Local Leaders in early December and the importance of collaborative work between urban and rural stakeholders, saying, “there… Read More about “Cities Initiative Exec. Director talks Urban-Rural Partnerships”
Anniversary of the Toledo Water Crisis: Action on Nutrients still needed
One year after the Toledo Water Crisis, Cities Initiative Executive Director David Ullrich stated, “We still have algal blooms in Lake Erie. It’s time to move ahead together as cities, industries, and farms to reduce nutrient loadings aggressively to meet the Governors’ and Premier’s 40% reduction goal by 2025.” In… Read More about “Anniversary of the Toledo Water Crisis: Action on Nutrients still needed”