Water Management

Toward Sustainable Municipal Water Management 2013-2016

Montréal’s Green CiTTS Report Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative

Montréal has made a commitment to report on its progress every three years. This interval facilitates the assessment of progress in sustainable municipal water management since it can take several years for actions deployed by the city to become detectable. This report thus covers the period from 2013 to 2016. It is presented as follows;
• The 2016 Report uses the same chart that was used in 2013.
• The Assessment Scorecard Chart illustrates the trend between 2013 and 2016 in regards to the milestones retained. The color code for the 2013 trends was improved, as it now refers, where applicable, to the degree to which the city has attained a measurable objective.
• For each milestone, a more detailed presentation includes a description of indicators and highlights for the 2013-2016 period, along with expectations for the years to come.
• An additional two milestones were assessed, bringing the number of milestones assessed to 20 out of the 25 proposed under the Framework.

Assessing the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change Training Tool

Created by the Ontario Regional Adaptation Collaborative on Drinking Water Source Protection, Assessing the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change is a training program aimed at helping practitioners better understand climate change science and the potential effects of climate change on watershed hydrology and water resources.

City of Evanston – 2014 Sustainable Municipal Water Management Public Evaluation Report

The City of Evanston, Illinois evaluated its municipal water management through the Cities Initiative's Sustainable Municipal Water Management framework and published this report in September 2014.

Ajax, Ontario: Rain Gardens

The City of Ajax designed and installed three Rain Gardens near Lake Ontario to improve surface water runoff infiltration. The City also implemented two “bio-swales” that will also improve surface water infiltration but are specifically designed to improve beach quality and swimmability.

Milwaukee’s Comprehensive Sustainability and Water Plan

“The City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s…”ReFresh Milwaukee” program covers eight issue areas (buildings, energy, food system, human capital, land & urban ecosystems, mobility, resource recovery and water) and identifies two catalytic projects where adaptation and resiliency are at the core of the projects (“Inner Harbor 2020” economic and ecological redevelopment of Milwaukee’s inner harbor and the Milwaukee estuary; and HOME GR/OWN which increases access and demand for local healthy food). Across the eight issue areas there 25 goals and 53 targets for the City and its partners to achieve in the next 10 years.”

Milwaukee 2014 Sustainable Municipal Water Management Public Evaluation Report

The 2014 Sustainable Municipal Water Management Public Evaluation Report (SPER) of Milwaukee has been developed for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative (GLSLCI) in the context of the Sustainable Municipal Water Management (SMWM) declaration. This report is based on six axes: Water Conservation and Efficiency, Shared Water Stewardship, Shoreline and Waterways Restoration, Water Pollution Prevention, Water Protection Planning and Water Preparedness for Climate Change.

National Stormwater Calculator

EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator (SWC) is a desktop application that estimates the annual amount of rainwater and frequency of runoff from a specific site anywhere in the United States (including Puerto Rico). Estimates are based on local soil conditions, land cover, and historic rainfall records.

It is designed to be used by anyone interested in reducing runoff from a property, including

  • site developers,
  • landscape architects,
  • urban planners, and
  • homeowners.

The Calculator accesses several national databases that provide soil, topography, rainfall, and evaporation information for the chosen site.

St. Catharines Sustainable Municipal Water Management Report

“St. Catharines Sustainable Municipal Water Management Program” is a report made by the City of St. Catharines within the Green CiTTs Program. This assessment is based on the SMWM six milestones and covers drinking water, stormwater, wastewater, and climate change issues. 2014.

Montreal’s Sustainable Municipal Water Management Report

“Toward sustainable municipal water management” is a report made by the City of Montreal within the Green CiTTs Program. This assessment is based on the SMWM six milestones. 2013.

Case Book: The Harms Caused by Low Water Levels in Georgian Bay

The Case Book puts a face on the harm as seen in almost every community around the Bay. While these reports are not a complete picture, they provide evidence of the impact and insight into solutions that will help alleviate the problems facing communities. These reports are intended to shape public debate and assist the mayors of Georgian Bay in successfully obtaining assistance in the near term from both Federal and Provincial levels of government.